


Following the resignation of Mr Doug Lambert from the Etchingham Parish Council and due process, having informed Rother District Council so it could ensure that the electorate of Etchingham did not wish to call a formal election at this time, permission has now been granted for the Parish Council to Co Opt a suitable person to this position.
The Application form is attached which also sets out the requirements of eligibility and the deadline for returning the completed form to the Parish Clerk is 4.30pm Friday 20th August 2021. If you think you know someone who would be interested but is not in receipt of E Bulletin please let them know that paper copies of the Application Form are available from the Clerk, either by request on:  or alternatively by ringing 07801 844 671 (office hours please) as the landline number for the Parish Office is currently unmanned and not accepting messages. Similarly, if you have any other questions or queries please do not hesitate to make contact via the above routes.
Should the Parish Council be fortunate enough to receive applications from more than one suitable candidate an interview process will be arranged and decision taken by secret ballot presided over by the Parish Clerk.