Friends of Burwash Surgery

Friends of Burwash Surgery

photo of a stethoscope

The Friends of Burwash Surgery (FOBS)

The Friends of Burwash Surgery came into being  when the new Fairfield Surgery was completed.  It was formed to help patients without their own transport – to assist attendance to doctor’s appointments, collect prescriptions when needed and to take patients to hospital appointments when they do not qualify for hospital transport,

This service, of course, depends entirely on the availability of volunteer drivers and the Friends are extremely fortunate to have a collection of very willing and obliging drivers, as well as a dedicated co-ordinator who arranges all the transport.  Naturally, with the passing of time we lose some of these people so we are always looking for replacements.

It doesn’t matter if you only have, say, mornings or afternoons or just one or two days in the week free to help.  You can give these specific details on the form and you will only be contacted for any relevant journey which you may be able to cover.  Obviously, the more names there are on the list the less frequently anyone will be contacted.

Mileage can be claimed for any trip undertaken and car insurance is not affected as this is a voluntary service you are giving and we can supply a suitable letter to your insurance company which is acceptable.

Over the last few years, the Friends have also paid for equipment for the Surgery which is not available on the NHS:  Hyfrecator 2000 £881, five mobile blood pressure monitors £1437, Nitro liquid Cryotherapy equipment £1294, two ambulating BP monitors £3120, three Omron monitors £331, small mobile air conditioning unit £90, various patient leaflets £258 and donations of £1000 each to the new wheelchair/pushchair friendly front door and the new telephone system. In 2015 the Friends paid £2045 for the check-in screen in the foyer to help reduce the queues at reception.

None of this, of course, would be at all possible without the donations which are received from our very generous and thoughtful supporters, some of whom cannot even be personally thanked because their gift is anonymous. Anyone wishing to make a contribution can leave a donation at the surgery marked for the Friends of Burwash Surgery.

For more details of Burwash Surgery take a look at the Fairfield Surgery website.

Get Involved

The FOBS Committee is often in need of one or two new members, owing to the retirements and the people moving away. The group only meet four times a year, for about an hour; mainly to oversee the system of volunteer drivers and to consider requests from the surgery for the purchase of items for the benefit of patients.
If you could consider joining the committee, please contact either
Frank Smith  01580 819326
Susan Mumford 01580 819415
Pat Lewis 01435 883239
Heather Worton (Treasurer)  07813 388126

graphic of a car


FOBS always needs new volunteer drivers. Drivers are regularly needed to help with the following;

  • Collecting and/or delivering medicines.
  • Assisting ‘less mobile’ patients to the Surgery.
  • Assisting ‘Out patients’ to and from Hospitals.
If you feel you can help, even if only very occasionally , add your details to the list of volunteer drivers, drivers are always contacted by phone first to check availability.
photo of Burwash Doctor's Surgery