
Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

From the Parish Clerk
A vacancy has arisen for a Parish Councillor as one (of 7) of the current team is moving away from the village. Her sterling service has been noted in the Council meeting minutes so maybe now might be the time for you to consider stepping into her shoes. There has been no call from residents for a By-Election so we are allowed to co-opt. A straightforward application form together with Job Description and Person Specification is attached. Hard copies can be supplied on request to the Clerk’s office – contact details below.
The deadline for applications is Friday 5th July end of day (I probably wouldn’t check emails or post box over the weekend) so that you may make a presentation of upto 3 mins and then take part in a brief Q & A session with the councillors of the Parish Council at an allotted time between 6.00pm and 7.00pm on Thursday 18th July in the Parker Hall, Parsonage Croft. The successful candidate will be chosen by confidential ballot thereafter.

Job Description 2024

Person Specification 2024

Application form 2024 for Co Option

Any queries please get in touch.
Help us get it right.
Many thanks

Paulette Barton – Proper Officer/Clerk & RFO to Etchingham Parish Council